Why People with Diabetes Should Take Extra Care of Their Feet in The Rainy Season

July 22, 2024by admin0

When it begins to rain outside, none of us can resist eating hot pakoras, kachoris, samosas, and other street snacks. However, patients with diabetes must exercise extreme caution during the monsoon season. The monsoon season appears to be extremely nice, but it is also full of germs, illnesses, and other health issues.

If you have diabetes, you must understand how a simple mistake might disrupt your diabetes control routine. During this season, individuals with diabetes are vulnerable to a variety of illnesses that might target their immune systems. It might have a robust impact on their general health and well-being. As a result, diabetics must exercise extra caution.

Increased Risk of Infections:

Moisture: The rainy season brings higher humidity and wet circumstances, which can cause moisture buildup on the skin, particularly between the toes. This provides a perfect habitat for fungal diseases such as athlete’s foot.

Prolonged Moisture Exposure: Prolonged moisture exposure can weaken the skin, leaving it more prone to blisters, cuts, and fissures. Even minor wounds in diabetics can become dangerous if infected.

Foot Complications Associated with Diabetes:

Peripheral Neuropathy: Diabetes generally causes nerve degeneration, particularly in the feet, resulting in diminished feeling. This makes it difficult to detect injuries or irritation from moist shoes, rubbing, or tiny cuts.

Poor Circulation: Diabetes can reduce blood flow to the extremities, particularly the feet. Reduced blood flow hinders the healing process, increasing the risk of complications from mild injuries.

To stay healthy throughout the monsoon, follow this advice:

  1. Foot care

Diabetes can be damaging to your feet. Even a little cut might have devastating repercussions. High blood sugar levels lead to impaired blood circulation. It can lead to nerve damage in your feet in monsoon. This is a condition known as neuropathy. People with diabetes should take extra care, such as keeping their feet clean and dry, especially after exposure to rain. They should also avoid using hard plastic footwear and opt for pleasant materials.

  • Avoid walking barefoot.
  • Massage your feet and toes regularly.
  • Inspect your feet daily for cracks, cuts, and sores.
  1. Eat healthy foods

Diabetic individuals should exercise caution when eating and drinking during this time of year. Make sure to only consume home-cooked meals. This ensures that your food is hygienic, of high quality, and nutritious. Consume meals that increase immunity.

  • Steam foods instead of eating raw ones.
  • Wash fruits and vegetables before eating.
  • Ignore cravings for deep-fried snacks.
  • Avoid street foods as they can induce infection.
  • Avoid overeating.
  1. Stay hydrated

The monsoon season is notorious for its humid weather, so staying hydrated is essential. Drinking plenty of water can be quite beneficial to the health of a diabetic individual. Drink warm water to decrease the chance of contracting water-borne infections. Also, avoid drinking packaged beverages. Instead, you could drink coconut water.

  1. Don’t give up on exercising

People, stop making excuses for not exercising! However, because of the pleasant weather, you may prefer to spend the majority of your time in bed. Regular exercise can help increase insulin sensitivity, promote weight reduction, lower blood sugar levels, and lower your risk of heart disease, allowing you to manage your diabetes at home.

  1. Treat cuts right away

Scrapes, bruises, and cuts are more common during the monsoon season. To help wounds heal rapidly, clean them with mild soap and apply antibiotic lotions or ointments.

  1. Eye care

Eye infections are unavoidable during the monsoon season, especially if you have any ailment. Here are some simple eye care tips you can apply:

  • Avoid touching your eyes with filthy hands.
  • Wash your hands frequently to prevent unclean hands from infecting the eyes.
  • To prevent infections, maintain a healthy diet and schedule regular eye exams to detect any issues.

Get Healthcare Medicines from Healing Pharma

Being careless during the monsoon season can lead to a variety of health issues. To stay safe and healthy, rely on Healing Pharma Online for all your diabetic and cardiac medications in India. Our medicines are available at the best prices and can be availed on a valid prescription from your nearest pharmacy. Enjoy a happy and healthy monsoon season!

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