What Is Vaginal Dryness? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

July 21, 2023by Yuvraj Patil367

Vaginal dryness is a common concern among women especially older in age. The dryness and itching can trigger around the vagina when the estrogen levels tend to drop. This usually happens during or after menopause, the natural moisture of the vagina is lost. This further develops an imbalance of pH levels in the vaginal lining while affecting normal sex life. The good news is, there are multiple treatments available to tackle such concerns in women.

Firstly, let’s look at the symptoms of vaginal dryness. 

  • Itchy inside and around the vaginal area
  • Possible bleeding during or after intercourse
  • Pain and discomfort during intercourse
  • Sore vaginal wall
  • Burning sensation

Some of the causes of vaginal dryness are as follows:

  • This condition is common in women nearing or hitting menopause.
  • Breastfeeding women can experience vaginal dryness due to hormone alterations.
  • Childbirth can also result in low estrogen levels causing vaginal dryness.
  • Ovaries produce estrogen, and those women who have undergone surgical removal of ovaries can experience vaginal dryness.
  • Radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.
  • On medicine for endometriosis and uterine fibroids as such medicines have anti-estrogen elements.
  • Anti-allergic impact of certain medications.
  • Taking anti-depressant pills.   

Treatment for vaginal dryness

The estrogen level can be increased by women strictly under medical supervision:-

Ring: Your healthcare expert may ask to insert a soft and flexible ring into the vagina to release estrogen directly to the tissues. This ring is meant to be replaced every three months.

Tablet: Your doctor would suggest inserting a tablet into your vagina once a day for the beginning of two weeks.  

Cream: Your doctor would suggest using an applicator to apply the cream to the vagina.

Ways to prevent vaginal dryness

  • Avoid using deodorants, perfumes, and regular soap down there.
  • Regularly clean the area with an intimate hygiene cleanser to maintain the pH level.
  • Keep the area thoroughly moisturized for enough lubrication.
  • Use gel-based lubrication for substantial relief.
  • Indulge in foreplay while stimulating the blood flow down there.
  • Try pelvic floor exercises under expert supervision.

You should see a doctor if the vaginal dryness and its symptoms aggravate. Those who have extreme pain or bleeding while indulging in sex should immediately see the doctor.

Yuvraj Patil

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