Vulvovaginitis: Know everything about vaginal inflammation

July 29, 2024by admin0

The vagina is a delicate area that can be prone to issues like irritation or infection. One common concern many women tend to experience is vaginal inflammation, known medically as Vaginitis or Vulvovaginitis. This condition can cause discomfort, including discharge, pain, itching, and sometimes affect the external genital area, or vulva. Typical symptoms include burning, itching, unusual discharge, and an unpleasant odour. Fortunately, adopting certain prevention plans can help manage and prevent Vulvovaginitis.

What is Vulvovaginitis?

Vulvovaginitis is the inflammation or irritation of the vulva (the external genitalia) and the vagina (the birth canal). This condition can arise from various causes, such as infections, irritants, allergies, or hormonal changes. It affects women of all ages, with higher prevalence in young girls and women of reproductive age. Causes can include bacterial, yeast, or viral infections, sometimes transmitted through sexual intercourse, as well as issues like vaginal dryness or hormonal imbalances.

Causes of Vulvovaginitis

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Bacterial Vaginosis (BV): This frequent infection results from an imbalance in the vaginal bacteria. A decrease in Lactobacilli and an overgrowth of other bacteria like Gardnerella vaginalis lead to symptoms of vulvovaginitis.

Candida Vulvovaginitis: Commonly known as a yeast infection, this condition is caused by an overgrowth of Candida yeast, leading to irritation and a thick, white discharge.

Chemical Irritants: Certain chemicals found in soaps, feminine sprays, perfumes, and some contraceptives can irritate the vaginal area.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): STIs like trichomonas, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and herpes can cause symptoms of vulvovaginitis, including discomfort, itching, and unusual discharge.

Environmental Factors: Poor hygiene, allergies, and tight clothing can also contribute to vulvovaginitis. Tight clothes may cause irritation and trap moisture, exacerbating the condition.

Symptoms of Vulvovaginitis

  • Unusual vaginal discharge with a distinct colour, consistency, or odour
  • Itching and irritation around the vulva and vagina
  • Redness and swelling of the vulva
  • Burning or painful sensation during urination or intercourse
  • Spotting or light bleeding between periods

How to Prevent Vulvovaginitis

Maintain Proper Hygiene: Gently wash the area with warm water and unscented soap. Avoid harsh soaps or douches that can disrupt the natural balance of bacteria and yeast. Always ensure to wipe the area from front to back after going to the toilet.

Probiotics: These beneficial bacteria can help maintain a healthy balance in the vagina, potentially reduce symptoms of bacterial vaginosis and other issues.

Wear Appropriate Clothing: Opt for cotton underwear and avoid tight-fitting clothes. Cotton allows better airflow and reduces moisture buildup. Ensure to keep your skin free from sweaty and wet outfits.

Cranberry Juice: Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice may help prevent urinary tract infections and reduce the risk of vulvovaginitis. If you prefer cranberry supplements, it can also work as an option.

Avoid Irritants: Steer clear of scented tampons, pads, toilet paper, and feminine sprays, which can irritate the sensitive vaginal area. If using panty liners, choose unscented ones and change them frequently.


While these prevention tips and natural remedies can be beneficial, they are not a substitute for professional advice. If you experience symptoms of vulvovaginitis, consult a healthcare provider to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment. Consider using Healing Pharma’s Fem-O-Fresh intimate hygiene wash to keep any kind of irritation, and infection at bay. This hygiene wash is formulated using clean and safe ingredients to balance the pH level with precision without harming the flora down there. Get this product online at a discounted price from Healing Pharma at 30% off!

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