Understanding Menstrual Cycle & Hygiene Among Adolescents for a Healthier Tomorrow

March 28, 2024by admin

The importance of understanding the menstrual cycle and hygiene cannot be underlined, as it still remains a taboo subject in many parts of the world. Tragically, a lack of knowledge and menstrual awareness took a heartbreaking turn in a 14-year-old girl’s life in Mumbai. With her suicidal demise on Tuesday due to a lack of information on her first menstrual experience and first period stress reminds us all that it’s high time we took steps to spread feminine health awareness in a comprehensive way so that girls of adolescent age don’t grapple with stress from their first period experience.

Understanding the Cycle of Life

Menstruation is a natural part of a woman’s life cycle, which usually begins between the ages of 12 and 15. This cycle, which occurs approximately every 28 days, is important for a woman’s overall health as well as her reproductive health. Despite its importance, many young girls are unprepared for their first menstrual period, which can take them through tremendous stress, confusion, and other serious health problems.

Educating and Supporting Girls Through Various Means

The recent story of loss in Mumbai serves as an obvious reminder of what is at stake when menstrual health and hygiene are not openly discussed at home and in schools. Menstrual education and women’s hygiene should be considered a fundamental right rather than a luxury. Here, the duties of moms, teachers, and other women who play similar roles in life become critical. They can play the role of frontline educators who can prepare girls for this significant transition in their lives at this crucial age, allowing them to confront their first encounter with calm and confidence.

What Mothers Can Do to Spread Menstrual Awareness

Early Conversations: Mothers should consider conversing about menstruation early, preparing daughters for this major transition.

Open Dialogue: Encourage your daughter to ask questions and share her experiences with menstrual health.

What Teachers Can Do to Spread Menstrual Awareness

Inclusive Curriculum: Make menstrual education a part of the school curriculum, giving both girls and boys accurate information, ensuring it’s not going to be taboo anymore for upcoming generations.

Safe Spaces: Establish a safe and supportive atmosphere in schools where girls can seek assistance from teachers to learn more about menstrual cycles and hygiene with dignity.

Tips for Maintaining Menstrual Hygiene

Maintaining adequate menstrual hygiene is extremely important for avoiding infections and promoting overall health. Here are some things that every teen girl should consider.

·         Always use clean and safe menstruation products. This also includes changing your pads, tampons, or menstrual cups every 4–6 hours.

·         Ensure to wash your hands regularly whilst keeping the sensitive area clean.

·         Avoid using harsh soaps or douches and instead use the best hygiene cleanser to strike the right pH balance down there.

·         Make sure to use comfy, breathable clothes.

·         Always discard pads and tampons properly to avoid any kind of spread of infection.

·         Staying hydrated and eating a well-balanced diet might help relieve period cramps.

Buy Healing Pharma’s Feminine Hygiene Cleanser Online


Recognizing the lack of awareness and accessibility to feminine hygiene products online, Healing Pharma emerges as a ray of hope for many who don’t have easy and affordable access to healthcare solutions. Healing Pharma provides a high-quality feminine hygiene cleanser that is affordable and can be used every day by girls over the age of 12.

Healing Pharma’s Fem-O-Fresh Hygiene Cleanser is now available on www.tafrepa.com! Women and girls across India can keep their hygiene at its peak by incorporating this cleanser. It is a step toward prioritizing menstrual health, ensuring that no girl faces uncertainty or health concerns owing to a lack of awareness and products.

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