This Winter Combat Joint Pain with Yoga

January 16, 2023by Dr. Robin De'souza296

The colder months are pleasant unless they trigger excruciatingly painful joints in some of them, including youngsters, adults, and elders. It is common for elders to experience knee or joint pain wherein, it becomes worst during the chilling season. People who have been through any injury, or surgery in the past can feel intense triggering pain at the site of injury, especially during this season. The drop in temperature causes tissues to contract while drifting the pressure on nerves. This is the reason why the previous injury site could pain. The knee joint and back are highly susceptible to such pains in winter. 


At times the pain can go away on its own, while some might have aggravated pain throughout the winter. It is because the muscles and joints get stiffer, causing more intense pain backed by restricted movement. Also, those with arthritis can feel extreme pain in their joints during the cold weather. Here is some effective yoga poses that you should be performing at home regularly to achieve a good amount of relief from pain during winter


Excellent Yoga Poses to Relieve Joint Pain during winter: 


1. Balasana (Child’s pose)

Makara adho mukha svanasana Dolphin pose 2

This asana is an easy yet effective at relieving back pain. This pose has a host of benefits for joint-related pain. To perform this pose, you need to get down on your knees and lean forward. Sit on your heels while bending your forehead towards the floor on the ground. Ensure resting your arms beside your head on the ground, palms touching the floor. Gently breathe while applying some pressure over your belly. 

Time: 1-minute stretch


2. Makara adho mukha svanasana (Dolphin pose)

Makara adho mukha svanasana Dolphin pose

This easy-to-perform forearm balancing yoga pose is quite close to the plank pose. It helps prevents osteoporosis and reduce the risk of severe joint pain in winter. It further helps strengthen core muscles, arms, chest, abdomen, legs, and lower back. To perform this pose, you need to down on the floor facing into the dog position, slowly shift your weight to your arms and let the elbows touch the ground. Ensure to maintain balance by keeping your back and knees straight. 

Time: 1-minute stretch


3. Setu Bandha asana (Bridge pose)

Makara adho mukha svanasana Dolphin pose 1

This bridge pose is highly effective in strengthening knee joints among those who are suffering from joint issues including osteoporosis. It further helps add strength to the glutes, back, and quadriceps. To perform this pose lie down on your back while bending your knees. Place your knees and feet at a parallel distance and slowly raise your buttocks and hips while bringing the feet closer. Make sure to keep your hands on your back to have a firm and core grip. Hold this pose for at least 30 seconds and release it back to its normal position.


4. Badhakonasana (Butterfly pose)

Makara adho mukha svanasana Dolphin pose 3

This butterfly pose is explicitly effective for knee pain as it focuses on stretching the knee and inner thigh muscles. To perform this pose, keep your feet on a mat. Start stretching from your back, while keeping your legs out. Now bend both your knees to form the butterfly wings by bringing your pelvic area closer as much as possible. Start swinging with both legs while creating a butterfly wing. Ensure to keep your spine straight, and hold your feet with your hands for support.

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