Prevention & Tips on Common Monsoon Fungal Infections

July 28, 2023by admin262

Many of us see the monsoon as a respite from the heat, but we fail to count on the fact that the rainy season also brings along numerous ailments. There are higher chances of waterborne infections and other fungal infections during monsoon. As the humidity level increases, ringworm, skin rashes, and nail infection go on the rise. Moisture and high humid climate are great for fungal breeds to grow and spread rapidly.

Usually, fungi bloom in wet, damp, and warm environments that are caused by rain. Moreover, the fungi easily grow in damp clothes, footwear, and surroundings, while putting you at risk. The common areas enabling fungi to grow easily during monsoon are the scalp, inner thighs, buttocks, groin area, etc. These spots majorly get dampened easily and less ventilation makes things worse, enabling these fungi to breed. In medical terms, this condition is known as Tinea which tends to manifest in many different conditions such as ringworm, jock itch, athlete’s foot, and yeast infections.

Common types of fungal infections prevalent in monsoon

Fungal infections of the skin usually appear to be red, blistered, itchy, and swollen. Some of the most common fungal infections to appear during monsoon are:-

1.Seborrheic Dermatitis

During the monsoon days, eczema severely flares up without any excuse. It is because of the bacterial growth on the moist skin during this humid climate. Those with a history of seborrheic dermatitis or seborrheic eczema are advised to avoid getting wet in the rain.

2.Foot Infections

An athlete’s foot is an extremely common kind of infection that impacts the foot of an individual. It usually occurs between the spaces between the toes due to dampened feet. In monsoon, it creates an ideal environment for such fungal growth. The only way to prevent your feet is by keeping them clean and dry. Ensure to avoid wearing non-breathable and tight footwear.

3.Nail Infections

Toenails are often infected with fungus during the monsoon season. Moreover, the trapped dirt and germs aggravate the condition while causing nail infections. To prevent such conditions, it is mandatory to keep your nails always short and clean.

4.Tinea Cruris and Corporis

Usually, monsoon creates a favorable environment for ringworm that tends to occur on the neck, underarms, or feet. The primary reason for this condition is wearing dampen or wet clothes for a prolonged duration. Ringworm can be prevented by wearing loose, breathable, and comfortable clothes.

5.Tinea Capitis

Tinea capitis another fungal infection that can affect the beard, eyebrows, scalp, or eyelashes. This fungal infection usually originates from the hair follicles and affects the scalp. It is essential to keep the affected area dry and tidy to avoid such conditions.

General tips to prevent fungal infections in monsoon

As monsoon season brings in a sense of respite from the heat, it is now much clear that there is other significant risks, such as fungal infections. To prevent and survive such monsoon infections in the future, it is essential to stay aware of such types of infections as it helps to take precautionary measures.

It is also important to have good personal hygiene, which includes keeping yourself dry throughout the season. Ensure to wear heavy breathable clothes, and maintain excellent foot care and hygiene. At the initial onset of fungal infection, avoid self-treatment at home as it can only aggravate the situation. Make sure to reach out to the doctor and take the necessary Healing Pharma antifungal supplements to stop the fungal growth. Always remember, a little care and effort can take you a long way while letting you stay healthy and strong.

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