Oral Hygiene Maintenance with Regular Diet

February 13, 2023by Pooja K354

To date, all of us must have had those guilt trip visits to the dentist where the only suggestion we were given for excellent oral health was to brush our teeth twice a day. Now that I’ve grown up, I understand the importance of oral hygiene and the basic rules to maintain that hygiene.

I’d always get confused back then with how to keep up my oral health with my regular diet. The amalgamation of several rounds to the dentist and self-learning has made me realize that oral hygiene can be maintained even while we eat – except for sugar. As the sugar build-up triggers gum disease, plaque, and cavities that later damage the tooth and its enamel. Here are some expert tips that I’ve curated for you to understand how you can as well maintain excellent oral hygiene while eating your regular diet.

  • Eat your veggies raw 

Salad is love, and we all agree with it! We can all have a mouth free from possible diseases in the future, including healthy teeth and gums with a bowl full of vegetable salad. Raw carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, and celery can give your teeth a break from chewing something sautéed or cooked in oil. Also, veggies have higher nutritional value when uncooked. And chewing these fibrous foods offers excellent resistance to your teeth.

  • Chewing gums that are sugar-free 

It is the safest option to switch to sugar-free chewing gums to satiate your sweet tooth. With these, you can cut down on eating too much, and that too includes sugar. The next big advantage is that it won’t decay any tooth.

  • Eating cheese 

Power-packed with several vitamins and minerals, cheese can stimulate saliva production in the mouth. It further helps gum tissues to become stronger and full of immunity. Consume one cheese at least once a day to make your teeth resilient to various diseases.

  • Eating dry fruits

Nothing can beat the benefits of soaked almonds and other dried fruits. Let them soak in water overnight, and peel off the almonds before consuming. High in calcium and protein, these soaked dry fruits can boost your oral health too, while keeping the plaque away.

  • Eat yogurt 

Yogurts are enriched with probiotics that are also known as healthy bacteria. It helps strengthen the good bacteria in your mouth while killing the harmful ones that form cavities within. So now on, don’t think much before consuming yogurt as it improves overall dental health.

  • Ponder on leafy greens

Consuming green veggies such as lettuce, spinach, kale, and arugula can be great for your teeth. Since they are enriched with calcium, it helps form a blockade against cavity-developing bacteria.

  • Have oranges

Vitamin C-enriched oranges work amazingly for constructing connective tissues within the gums while strengthening the blood vessels. Moreover, this super fruit has a proven impact in shrinking the presence of oral inflammation.

  • Mouth wash

Hexisure Plus mouthwash from Healing Pharma works fabulously against cavities and plaque formation. The antiseptic elements in this mouthwash give ultimate relief from bad breath instantly. Moreover, it takes care of your oral hygiene by cleansing the mouth thoroughly, from the deepest areas of your mouth while keeping gum diseases at bay.


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