Mosquito Repellents Can Prevent Malaria! Here’s How to Use It During Monsoon

July 31, 2024by admin0

The monsoon season in India is considered a double-edged sword. As much as it brings in respite from the scorching summer heat, it also creates the ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. These tiny flies, often fired as mere annoyances, are in fact carriers of serious diseases, including Malaria. With the monsoon rains converting urban landscapes into a mosaic of puddles and stagnant water, the risk of Malaria goes up. In this blog, we’ll explore how mosquito repellents play a crucial role in preventing Malaria during monsoon. We’ll also delve into the benefits of Healing Pharma’s Mosqnet Mosquito Repellent Cream, a top choice for safeguarding your family during this season.

Understanding the Malaria Risk

Malaria is a life-threatening disease caused by Plasmodium parasites, transmitted to humans through the bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that India records for a significant share of global malaria cases, with an estimated 3.5 million cases reported in 2022 alone. The monsoon exacerbates this issue as the increase in rainfall leads to the spread of mosquito breeding sites—stagnant water bodies, clogged drains, and other reservoirs.

Why the Risk Increases in Monsoon

During the monsoon season, rainwater collects in open containers, abandoned tires, and construction sites, creating perfect breeding grounds for mosquitoes. According to the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP), the number of Malaria cases in India typically spikes during and shortly after the monsoon rains. This period is characterized by higher humidity and temperature, which accelerate the mosquito life cycle and increase the likelihood of Malaria transmission.

Effective Malaria Control Measures

Preventing Malaria involves a multi-faceted approach:

Abolishing Breeding Sites: Regularly clean containers that collect water. Ensure proper drainage in and around your home to prevent water stagnation.

Use Mosquito Nets: Sleeping under an insecticide-treated mosquito net provides protection, especially in high-risk areas.

Indoor Insecticide Sprays: Regular use of insecticides can help kill mosquitoes that may have entered your home.

Personal Protection: Wearing long-sleeved clothing and using mosquito repellents are effective measures for personal protection.

Seek Expert Help: If you experience symptoms such as high fever, chills, and flu-like illness, seek prompt medical attention. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial.

The Role of Mosquito Repellents

Mosquito repellents are a vital tool in preventing mosquito bites, which is crucial in Malaria prevention. The most effective repellents contain DEET (N,N-diethyl-3-methyl benzamide), a chemical that deters mosquitoes by interfering with their ability to detect human sweat and body odor.

Why DEET is Effective

DEET is a widely recognized and researched ingredient in mosquito repellents. It is effective against various mosquito species, including the Anopheles mosquitoes that carry Malaria. The chemical works by blocking the receptors that mosquitoes use to locate their hosts, significantly reducing the chances of being bitten.

Healing Pharma’s Mosqnet Mosquito Repellent Cream

Mosquito Repellent Cream

Among so many mosquito repellents available in the market, Healing Pharma’s Mosqnet Mosquito Repellent Cream stands out among all. This product is formulated with NN Diethyl Benzamide (a variant of DEET), Almond oil, and Vitamin E. Here’s why it’s an excellent choice:

Effective Formula: NN Diethyl Benzamide provides long-lasting protection against mosquitoes, ensuring that you stay safe from Malaria-carrying insects.

Skin-Friendly Ingredients: The addition of Almond oil and Vitamin E makes the cream gentle on the skin, suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin among children and adults.

Extended Protection: The cream forms a reliable shield against mosquitoes for an extended period, making it ideal for both day and night use.

Easy Application: Its creamy texture allows for easy and even application, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

Special Offer: You can purchase Healing Pharma’s Mosqnet Mosquito Repellent Cream online at up to 50% off during the ‘Flash Live Sale.’ This makes it not only an effective but also a cost-efficient choice for your family’s protection.

How to Use Mosquito Repellents Effectively

Apply Generously: Ensure that you apply the mosquito repellent cream evenly on all exposed skin areas.

Reapply as Needed: Depending on the duration of your outdoor activity and the product’s instructions, reapply the repellent every few hours for continued protection.

Avoid Contact with Eyes and Mouth: Be cautious to avoid applying the repellent near sensitive areas.

Combine with Other Measures: Use mosquito repellents in conjunction with other preventive measures for enhanced protection.


As the monsoon season progresses, the risk of Malaria inevitably rises due to the increased mosquito activity. By adopting preventive measures such as eliminating mosquito breeding sites, using mosquito nets, and employing effective mosquito repellents like Healing Pharma’s Mosqnet Mosquito Repellent Cream, you can significantly reduce the risk of Malaria for yourself and your loved ones. Stay cautious, stay protected, and take advantage of the ongoing ‘Flash Live Sale’ to ensure you’re equipped with the best mosquito repellent available online.

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