Is Vertigo, feeling of head spinning linked with lack of sleep?

July 10, 2023by Yuvraj Patil18

According to a recent study, vertigo meant to trigger sleep disturbances, was found that it might be caused by insufficient or poor sleep.

Vertigo has been extremely specific when it comes to dizziness, there is a spinning sensation while the patient is still stationed. There are certain signs and symptoms of vertigo, such as a whirling or spinning sensation. It could be initially mild and may slowly intensify with time while exploding when the patient tends to move the head. Vertigo usually accompanies the feeling of vomiting and nausea in most cases. Many individuals with vertigo may also experience difficulty balancing their own body or feeling stable enough to find steadiness.

Vertigo and dizziness are often related to many underlying issues such as cardiometabolic disease, Anti – Anxiety, sleep disturbance, and depression. Cardiometabolic diseases, including atherosclerosis and hypertension, could abruptly disturb the blood flow to the inner part of the ear while affecting the functioning of the vestibular system, causing vertigo. Moreover, patients suffering from high cholesterol condition, or diabetes may damage their blood vessels and nerves that offer balance and support to the body posture.

Anyone with sleep apnea, sleep disturbance, and insomnia is linked with a higher risk of dizziness and vertigo. Also, those with depression and anxiety might experience vertigo and dizziness. Other mood disorders and emotional stress can lead to muscle tension, which ultimately alters neurotransmitter levels to indirectly influence dizziness in an individual. This clearly states, there is a complex relationship between dizziness, vertigo, and these conditions.

Does anxiety lead to vertigo?

Anxiety may not directly lead to vertigo, it could certainly worsen the symptoms of vertigo. The psychological impact of anxiety could trigger and intensify the existing impact of dizziness and body imbalance.

How to get sound sleep with anxiety?

It could be challenging to have sound sleep while dealing with anxiety. However, maintaining proper sleep hygiene can promote sleep patterns. Before going to bed, it is always better to prepare your mind and body for the same.You might consider taking a warm bath, reading a book, or trying meditation. You can convert your bedroom into a cool, dark, and quiet place. You can use eye masks for a quick sleep. Cut down your addiction to caffeine, or nicotine post-evening. Do not consume heavy and spicy meals at night. Instead, every day indulge in regular exercise session which involves your hand movements, neck movements, and other parts of the nervous system.

Yuvraj Patil

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