How to Prevent Hair Loss Due to Thyroid

June 21, 2023by Yuvraj Patil273

Hypothyroidism is a hormonal condition that involves thyroid glands to slow down the process which leads to weight gain, fatigue, depression, and constipation. Moreover, this condition is directly linked to thinning of hair and hair fall. If anyone dealing with hair loss should consult a healthcare expert to rule out possibilities and reasons for the same.

  • Hair falling out in uniform proportion.
  • Diffused hair loss.
  • Spotting hair loss from the edge of eyebrows. (In this case, it first begins with thinning).
  • Hair loss on the scalp area.
  • Hair loss caused by hypothyroidism can be noticed and diagnosed only after a few months.

Here are some natural ways to prevent and treat hair loss in those with hypothyroidism

  1. Ayurvedic remedies

Ayurvedic remedies such as ashwagandha and triphala could help to make hair roots stronger. Ashwagandha can be blended with coconut oil to make the roots of the hair stronger. Ayurveda has a lot to offer in the most natural form for multiple health and cognitive benefits. It can be used as a great hair loss remedy or restoration technique while balancing the T3 and T4 hormones in the body.

  1. Eat ginger

Ginger is one of the powerful home ingredients that can be used to balance hormonal imbalances in the body. Those dealing with thyroid related issues can naturally tackle this issue, including hair loss, by consuming ginger in small amounts every day.

  1. Prevent deficiency of Vitamin D

An individual with hypothyroidism can experience a deficiency in Vitamin D. Therefore, consuming additional Vitamin D supplements can help to deal with the condition better. Also, you might consider sitting under the sun for at least 20 minutes to naturally absorb Vitamin D from the sun’s rays during the morning hours. By doing so, you can naturally escalate the metabolism of the body while lowering thyroid related issues.

  1. Avoid processed foods, sugar, caffeine, and alcohol

Individuals with hypothyroidism are highly recommended to avoid all processed foods, including sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. As these items can lead to weight gain, consuming these food items can further worsen the condition of thyroid and hair loss.

  1. Consume more turmeric

Those who consume turmeric on a regular basis via food tend to have a stronger immune system. All thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric that have a positive impact on the immune functioning and other hormones of the body.

  1. Avoid goitrogenic foods

Cruciferous vegetables often classified as goitrogenic foods tend to hamper the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Therefore, healthcare experts strongly recommend avoiding foods such as kale, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, turnips, millets, sweet corn, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, and soy-based foods as they are classified as goitrogenic foods.

  1. Increase intake of Vitamin B12

With inadequate levels of Vitamin B12 in the body, an individual is at high risk to suffer from hypothyroidism. Hence, it is good to consume Vitamin B12 as it helps to deal with the condition like a pro! You should consider consuming organic meat, eggs, dairy products, and poultry as natural sources of Vitamin B12. There are health and wellness supplements available for regular consumption to meet daily needs to vitamins and minerals.

Yuvraj Patil

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