Effective Ways to Deal with Common Cough & Cold During Winter

December 17, 2024by admin0

It is essential to stay protected from the changing weather, as anyone can easily get under the weather. The unpredictable weather has too much to offer, and one of the common things is ‘cough & cold symptoms. The transition from hot to cold and cold to hot climate has been affecting a lot of kids, sensitive adults and senior citizens recently. Instead, after the introduction of the Covid-19 virus, many people have already started taking extra care when it comes to symptoms of common cough and cold. A healthy immune system plays a game-changing role in complete well-being in both kids and adults. In this article, we will learn more about common cough and cold and how to tackle and prevent the condition of cough and cold during winter.

Common Cough & Cold

Suffering from a common cough and cold is easy to catch, especially for those who belong to sensitive groups. It starts with a slight cough, sore throat, sneezing, and runny nose; it needs immediate attention and treatment. They usually occur due to various influenza and viruses that can further impact another person coming in contact with the infected person or the surface.

Some of the symptoms you must look for:

– Sneezing

– Sore throat

– Stuffy nose

– Loss of smell

– Headache

– Watery eyes

– Fever

– Fatigue

Common Cold v/s Flu

The common cold can be mistaken for the flu, as the symptoms are quite similar. However, when you are diagnosed with the flu, you must certainly see your doctor.

Symptoms Common Cold Flu
Symptom onset Slight on Day 1–3 Immediate
Severity Mild – Moderate Moderate – Severe
Fever May be YES
Headache May be YES
Sore throat YES Occasionally
Aches Mild YES
Chills NO YES
Cough, chest discomfort mild – moderate YES, can be severe
Sneezing YES Occasionally


Home remedies for common cough & cold at home 

For Adults

  • Gargle: The first thing one must do when suffering from a sore throat is to gargle with hot salt water. This helps in soothing the soreness of the throat while easing the irritation further.
  • Take Fluid: When sick, it is essential to drink plenty of fluid. This helps in keeping yourself hydrated, especially when you are vomiting.
  • Try nasal spray: Using nasal spray can help you get relief from blocked nasal passages while reducing chest congestion. It works excellently in soothing blocked airways and considerably alleviating body ache.
  • Get rest: It is essential to give your body rest from all the chaos happening around and within the body. As soon as you feel unwell, take all precautions and take a rest.
  • Echinacea: There are reports suggesting echinacea, when consumed in the form of drops or supplements, can be effective at treating common symptoms of cough and cold.

For Kids

  • Rest: The kids have the tendency to get fussier and crankier when they are down with a cough and cold. It is best to give them all the rest and care that they need during days when they are healing. Refrain from sending them to school until they start feeling better and the cold has cleared.
  • Fluid feed: Kids are more sensitive than adults. Not keeping them hydrated can lead to other issues. Hence, ask your child to sip plenty of fluids whenever possible to keep dehydration at bay.
  • Feed liquid food: When the kids suffer from a cold, they may not feel as hungry as usual. Hence, to ensure their daily nutrition is not compromised, prepare delicious soups and smoothies.
  • Bath your child: Bathing your child with warm water helps in easing body ache while clearing the nasal.

How long do cold and cough last?

If you are suffering from a common cough and cold, it should not last more than two weeks. After a week, you may notice a reduction in your symptoms. If it doesn’t happen, make sure to consult a healthcare expert. Constant weather fluctuation may extend the recovery duration.

Ways to treat cough and cold

o   OTC Medications

There are many over-the-counter (OTC) medications available to alleviate the symptoms of common cough and cold. However, serious situations might need expert supervision.

o   Zinc

There are reports suggesting zinc intake possibly reduces the cycle of cold. However, more solid studies are needed to prove this. You can have zinc-infused supplements or syrup under a doctor’s supervision.

o   Healtuss Adulsa Cough Syrup

Healing Pharma’s Healtuss Adulsa Cough syrup excellently soothes congestion, and cough. Excellent for restoring your health back, this Healtuss Adulsa Cough syrup is formulated with a blend of Ayurvedic ingredients – Tulsi and pudina for quick relief from cough. This non-alcoholic syrup for cough is completely safe for adults and children above 2 years of age. Use any syrup cautiously among kids; we’d recommend consulting a doctor.

Healtuss Adulsa Cough Syp

Prevention Tips

  • Wash your hands

Regularly ensure washing your hands with germ-protecting soap. Also, use hand sanitizers whenever you don’t have access to water and soap. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer or sprays to prevent yourself and others from germs.

  • Maintain distance

You must ensure you maintain a good distance from those who are sick with flu like symptoms. Even if you are not keeping well, avoid going to public places and getting social for a while.

  • Be cautious

If you are sick with a cold and cough during winter, avoid touching your face more often. You may unknowingly spread the infection through your hands or maybe trigger the condition to worsen.


So, give these effective tips and home remedies a try and you can see a sharp improvement in the symptoms of coughs and colds. If there’s no relief, we’d recommend immediately seeing a healthcare expert before the condition aggravates.

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