Best Ways to Protect your Child from Dengue in Monsoon

July 31, 2023by Yuvraj Patil18

The monsoon season has gracefully set in, and with all the joy, it brings along the threat of mosquito-borne diseases. Yes, Dengue is the most common monsoon illness. Dengue cases apparently surge on the onset of monsoon and it only becomes worse throughout the season. The stagnant water creates a breeding ground for mosquitoes while making the situation worse for everyone. This virus is usually transmitted to humans through infected Aedes mosquitoes. And that’s how lakhs of people get infected throughout the country, particularly children. We have curated this article to guide you through this concern and how you can keep your children protected from dengue.

Before discussing the preventive measures, let’s go through the symptoms of dengue. The most common symptom to look for is high fever. The rest of the symptoms of dengue you should look for are joint pain, muscle pain, severe headache, fatigue, and rashes. Extremely high fevers in children and adults are considered life-threatening. Hence, it is mandatory to keep your child protected throughout the season as they are highly susceptible to the dengue virus.

Precautions to Take During Monsoon to Save Your Children from Dengue Virus

  • Dengue virus is usually spread by mosquito bites and this is why it is necessary to take precautionary measures to protect your child from mosquito bites.
  • Ensure to eliminate all the breeding areas in your house or around your vicinity while ensuring water doesn’t get collected.
  • Carry out regular checks in certain places such as buckets, flower pots, discarded tires, drainage, wash basin, etc.
  • Ensure to regularly use mosquito repellent for your child within the house or while going out.
  • Your kid should wear appropriate and less exposed outfits during this season such as long pants, full-sleeved t-shirts or dresses, socks, and enclosed boots while heading out.
  • You can make your child wear light-coloured clothes as it doesn’t attract mosquitoes, unlike black and other darker shades.
  • You should try to create a mosquito-free environment by keeping doors, and windows closed whenever possible, especially in the evening time. Always keep the fan on to create a cold environment. It is believed that mosquitoes fail to stay for longer in a cooler environment.
  • Refrain your child indulging in outdoor activities as much as you can.
  • Educate your child
  • Whenever necessary, consider seeking medical attention. Don’t ignore the symptoms as early diagnoses can help with early recovery.
  • Make sure your child gets enough rest, consumes adequate fluids, and receives on-time treatment.

To sum it up

It is crucial to take extra care of your child during monsoon as mosquitoes are actively on a hunt. It is good to protect your child by taking all the necessary majors and approaches while combining preventive measures and a holistic approach to support the immune system. You can nullify active mosquitoes from loitering around by simply eliminating mosquito breeding spots within the house and its premises. Ensure to inform authorities of any kind of stagnant water accumulation as mosquitoes breed in such water. Seek the help of authorities to conduct regular fumigation in your surroundings to significantly reduce the risk of dengue and its transmission. Last, but not least, each one should stay alert, and informed, and always prioritize your child’s safety, health, and well-being! To place the facts, there are no direct specific drugs available to treat dengue. One has to seek pain reliever medicines to alleviate the symptoms and avoid severity.

Yuvraj Patil

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