Best Ways to Manage Sciatica Pain At Home

April 10, 2023by Yuvraj Patil297

According to the stats, around 40 % of the population goes through the issue of sciatica at least once in their life. Usually, with sciatica, the individual suffers from strong lower back pain before reaching down through the buttocks, hips, and legs.

It’s obvious to reach out to doctors under the influence of chronic pain for a longer period. However, those who are at the initial stage try to treat the condition at home. Initial self-care practices can help alleviate discomfort to some extent. But, those with extreme pain should reach out to the health care experts for help, before it aggravates.

Self-Care Treatments for Sciatica Pain

Here are a few things you should be doing beforehand to alleviate aggressive sciatica.


You can try incorporating acupuncture at home under expert supervision to alleviate the chronic pain of sciatica. It may have a positive impact on the blood flow wherein it also helps relax muscles over the affected area. However, it takes multiple sessions to see a considerable improvement in the condition.

Massage Therapy:

Massage therapy is one of the best and most beneficial ways to alleviate sciatica. This method helps loosen muscles of the lower back while inhibiting irritation. Profusely taking massage therapy from a certified specialist can eventually lead to the release of pain-fighting endorphins in the body to combat sciatica. Using an effective blend of Ayurvedic oil such as Ortho Joint Pain Relief Oil can temporarily help in relieving throbbing pain.

Isometric Exercises:

Those suffering from sciatica can feel tremendous pain while standing or sitting for a longer duration. The condition may flare when the sciatic nerve is triggered. Hence, many opt for isometric exercises to ditch the pain and get back into their routine. Exercising may not be for those who are old as it may lead to a mishap. Exercising enhances the range of motion while adding strength to the muscles and joints.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet:

You can meet your nutritionist to understand the buy anti-inflammatory diet and its efficacy on your body. The pain usually subsides with inflammation. Hence, it could be an add-on way to deal with sciatica-related pain and inflammation.

When to consult a doctor for your sciatica pain?

Practicing self-care activities at home can give a considerable amount of relief in alleviating sciatica pain, but there can be situations when medical support can be needed. Here’s what doctors would recommend you do:

  • Get a prescribed medication from a health care expert to alleviate gruesome pain. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications can help reduce sore muscles and inflammation in the body.
  • Taking injections with corticosteroids can largely lower the pain affecting the nerves. However, the injection could only offer temporary relief from pain and doctors do not recommend numerous shots as it comes along with their own side effects.
  • Post-treatment, doctors may recommend a few sittings of physiotherapy sessions. It is the best way to heal slowly and get back into your active lifestyle without the occurrence of pain in the future.

The doctors at a time may suggest surgery as a treatment to achieve permanent relief from pain and nerve issues. It is best to speak to your healthcare expert to understand the ideal treatment for your condition.

Yuvraj Patil

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