Best Immunity Tips to Boost Your Child’s Immunity in Monsoon

August 2, 2023by Yuvraj Patil410

With the blissful onset of the monsoon, there comes a responsibility to take care of the health of yourself and your family. The changing weather certainly takes a toll on the kid’s health. Furthermore, heavy downpour also triggers conditions of common flu-like symptoms, respiratory infections, and sore throat. Those kids with poor immunity have to deal with constant suffering throughout this season. Apart from proper food intake and timely vaccinations, here are some tips to boost the immune system of your child during monsoon.

Wonderful monsoon tips to boost immunity in children

  1. Maintain healthy nutrition in kids

Children innocently dwell on their own thoughts and beliefs. The strongly believe that healthy food has to be bland and distasteful. But, we as a parent, can change their perspective by trying different delightful recipes at home using healthy ingredients. With this, you are not just letting your child have a wholesome, nutritious meal, but also indulge in clean eating. Do not forget to encourage them to consume plenty of fruits and veggies in fun ways.

  1. Make them exercise

Kids who are not much active in their daily life tend to fall sick more frequently. You can prevent your child from living a sedentary lifestyle while motivating them to indulge in indoor games or exercise. Well, indulging in outdoor activities is always better, but during the monsoon, you can try as weather permits. You can ask your kid to try their hands at skipping rope, dance, hula hoop, or balloon games to keep themselves active, and immunity at peak.

  1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Ensure your child is living a healthy lifestyle with optimum nutrition, exercise, and proper sleeping pattern. To boost immunity and develop brain function, ensure to reduce the screen time of your child while engaging them in book reading, dancing, and other fun activities.

  1. Maintain good hygiene

It is good to inculcate healthy hygiene habits in your child as it helps to void of certain spread of infections. One such good habit is to wash their hands regularly and feet as well after they come back home from out. Apart from that, eating with a spoon and fork while hands are not clean, weekly trimming nails (it should be done by parents), using napkins to wipe the face and hands, etc. are some of the other ways to keep hygiene at par.

  1. Calm their stress

Children nowadays have to deal with tremendous stress as they have competitive and extra-curricular pressure from an early age. Exam stress, project stress, and submission stress are a common part of their curriculum and it keeps on surging as they transit into the next level (standard). You as a parent can contribute to releasing stress by making situations less competitive, letting them enjoy their breaks by following their hobbies, conducting conversations with them, or taking the child on vacation whenever possible.

Best immune-boosting foods for your children

Now that we have listed all the amazing monsoon tips to boost your child’s health during this tough, abrupt changing weather. The most crucial part of immunity building is – Diet. A diet can make or break an individual. It is highly recommended to indulge your child in clean eating where they are consuming a balanced diet with at least 20–25 percent fat, 60–70 percent carbs, and 10–12 percent protein.

  • Feed your child probiotics in the form of yogurt to prevent bacterial, fungal, and viral infections in the body.
  • Limit sugar, artificial sweeteners, colour, or preservative intake in your child.
  • Feed your child with homemade vegetable soups to ensure they consume the vegetable in this form. You can add beetroot, carrot, beetroot, spinach, tomatoes, pumpkin, broccoli, and gourd to spike it on the healthiest part. Such soups are great to reduce symptoms of chest decongestion, cough, flu, and cold in children while building a strong immune system.
  • Don’t forget to add turmeric, ginger, and garlic to it as they have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.
  • Let your child have eggs during monsoon as it is enriched with a healthy amount of zinc, protein, vitamins A, B, D, E, K, magnesium, iron, and selenium.
  • Encourage your child to ponder on broccoli as it is power-packed with several nutritional elements such as magnesium, zinc, beta-carotene, Vitamin B, B2, B3, and B6, potassium, and Vitamin C.
  • Give your child fruits such as apples, papayas, chikoos, bananas, oranges, or pears throughout the year to boost immunity.

To sum it up

Don’t let low immunity hold your child back from enjoying this wonderful monsoon weather. Ensure to take necessary preventative measures and tricks to strengthen the immune system. Always remember, a stronger immune system takes the best care of the body to void of infections. Do consult your healthcare expert if your child shows any kind of flu-like symptoms. The right course of prescribed anti-viral medications can promote quick recovery in both children and adults.

Yuvraj Patil

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