8 Issues Can Arise with Untreated Endometriosis

May 22, 2024by admin0

Have you been diagnosed with endometriosis? If yes, it becomes crucial to get it treated on time. Not doing so triggers bloating, pain, excess menstrual bleeding, and urinary complications, along with digestive issues. Moreover, this condition can even land you in trouble while taking a toll on your fertility. Here we have listed all the risks and complications that may arise in the future if endometriosis is left untreated.

Endo-metriosis is a gynaecological concern where the endometrial tissue tends to grow outside the uterus. Some of the common symptoms of endometriosis are painful periods, heavy periods, painful intercourse, pain while urinating, diarrhea, etc. Endometriosis is a disorder that many women suffer from, often without realizing it. It occurs when tissue identical to the uterine lining, known as endometrial tissue, begins to grow outside the uterus. These growths can be discovered on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, the uterine surface, and other pelvic organs.

Understanding the 4 stages of endometriosis

There are four stages of endometriosis.

Stage 1: The initial stage, where symptoms may not occur.

Stage 2: This is the developing stage where scar tissues are formed.

Stage 3: A moderately painful stage where cysts are formed in larger sizes.

Stage 4: Multiple cysts and adhesions are formed.

Issues arise if endometriosis is left untreated

1. An individual with untreated endometriosis can trigger pelvic pain as the endometrial tissue starts growing outside the uterus.

2. There are higher chances of experiencing heavy and painful periods in those who have been dealing with endometriosis for a long time.

3. Endometriosis can also lead to infertility issues in women who aren’t treated on time. This is because endometriosis tissue could damage the uterus lining while making it difficult for women to fertilize eggs or implant further.

4. The condition of endometriosis could destroy the ovaries, making it difficult for a woman to conceive.

5. If endometriosis is not treated on time, it could lead to loss of pregnancy, pre-term birth, a baby with a low birth weight, or caesarean delivery.

6. Endometrial adhesions formed near the bladder, intestines, or rectum could lead to incontinence and issues while passing stool or urine.

7. Endometriosis can also cause diarrhea, constipation, and chronic inflammation throughout the body.

8. Endometriosis can also trigger mental state by causing anxiety, depression, frustration, stress, and irritation in women who are dealing with constant compromises with their quality of life.

Treatment of endometriosis

Firstly, a diagnosed woman has to go through clinical examinations, which include a vaginal examination. Also, the gynaecologist checks for the size of cystic lesions to discover deep nodules. The treatment usually involves MRIs, laparoscopies, and ultrasounds, which are frequently used to identify endometriosis.

Pain Relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers can help alleviate minor symptoms.

Hormonal treatment: This refers to taking birth control pills, patches, or hormonal IUDs, can lessen or eliminate pain while also slowing endometrial growth.

Surgery: In severe situations, surgery can be used to remove as much endometrial tissue as is feasible. This can reduce discomfort and boost fertility.

Lifestyle Changes: Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and stress management strategies can all help alleviate symptoms.

When should I see a doctor?

If you are suffering from endometriosis symptoms, consult your doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment can help keep the illness from deteriorating and improve your overall health. Since it is a tough condition to live with, with correct support and therapy, you can manage your symptoms and live a full life. Hence, ladies, keep a close eye on your health and ensure to consult your healthcare expert in case of need!

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