7 Tips to Beat Bad Cholesterol – Triglycerides

July 19, 2023by Yuvraj Patil18

Triglyceride is nothing but those bad cholesterol lipids (fats) found in the blood. According to experts, it is dangerous to deal with high levels of this bad cholesterol. A lot of body fat tends to get stored in the body that remains unused by the body. This usually occurs in people who eat fat-rich food which is higher than the body requires. According to experts, it is essential to maintain a healthy level of triglyceride levels in the body. By not doing so, one may suffer from pancreatitis, heart attack, or stroke.

Real causes of high triglyceride levels

High triglyceride levels also known as hypertriglyceridemia may develop if there is higher calorie consumption in the individual on a usual basis which is even higher than they tend to burn. Hypertriglyceridemia could also occur in individuals who consume excess sugar, smoke, consume excess alcohol, are obese, or deal with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, etc.

Are triglycerides and cholesterol two different things?

Well, both triglycerides and cholesterol are fatty compounds also known as lipids. Cholesterol may not be stored fat, whereas triglycerides are specifically stored fat. Our liver has the ability to produce cholesterol and it is known to make the most of it to create cell walls, support the neurological system, and promote digestion and hormone synthesis.

How to check triglyceride levels?

Triglyceride levels are usually detected with a panel of blood tests, also known as lipid profile tests. It is precisely meant to recommend figuring out any kind of abnormalities in the level of lipids stored. To go through this simple blood test you might have to fast for at least twelve hours. It brings out a precise reading on complete 12 hours of fasting. Those undergoing triglyceride level tests can also help in determining whether there is any risk of heart disease in the future.

Reading of triglyceride levels in the test result

Normal: Anyone with less than 150 mg/dL

Borderline: In between 150-199 mg/dL

High: With 200-499 mg/dL

Very high: More than 500 mg/dL

Moreover, anyone with more than 150 mg/dL triglyceride level can indicate the following:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Suffering from heart issues such as stroke or heart attack
  • Dealing with metabolic conditions such as obesity, uncontrolled diabetes, and high blood pressure.
  • Borderline or type 2 diabetes
  • Others with genetic conditions may find difficulty in converting fat into energy

Here are some tips that can help you manage your triglyceride levels while living your life to the fullest.

  • Stay fit to maintain a healthy weight
  • Indulge in exercising regularly
  • Avoid processed and refined foods
  • Quit smoking and limit drinking alcohol
  • Limit your sugar intake
  • Switch to healthy fats while looking for an alternative to saturated fats
  • Customize your diet according to your body’s need


There are not many symptoms to look for, to detect high blood triglyceride levels in the body. Since there isn’t any hypertriglyceridemia symptom that can help to diagnose the condition, it usually leads to long-term damage on delayed diagnoses. Hence, it is mandatory to keep a close watch on your weight and overall health. Regularly include triglycerides levels test in your screening routine along with the lipid profile test for early diagnosis if there’s any development.

Yuvraj Patil

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