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Having sleepless nights with unbearable pain in the side of the abdomen and back that radiates to the groin area can be due to kidney stones. This condition can develop due to several factors including family history, obesity, poor diet, dehydration, excess of certain medicine consumption, or other medical condition. Although it is difficult to...

Everything You Should Know About Vitamin E for Skin

Have you ever wondered why so many skincare experts recommend using Vitamin E on your skin? All thanks to all the fat-soluble nutrients and antioxidants present in this Vitamin that make your face glow and healthy. This highly blooming Vitamin in the beauty industry is used in most creams, lotions, and gels. Also known as...

Oral Hygiene Maintenance with Regular Diet

To date, all of us must have had those guilt trip visits to the dentist where the only suggestion we were given for excellent oral health was to brush our teeth twice a day. Now that I’ve grown up, I understand the importance of oral hygiene and the basic rules to maintain that hygiene. I’d...

6 Small Changes in Your Lifestyle to Stay Fit

This New Year is all about making realistic promises to become fit and healthy while ditching those long waits for ‘Monday Reset’. Some of the unrealistic goals are intended and designed in a particular way that the makers can’t follow them religiously for more than a week. If weight loss was always on your mind...

Understanding Diabetes and Wound Healing

A condition when our body cannot utilize or synthesize insulin properly is called Diabetes Mellitus. It exactly happens when the body rejects to absorb all the glucose into its cells as fuel, which leads to an upsurge in glucose levels in the bloodstream. Suffering from minor cuts, inflammation, burns, and ulcers are common in our...

Tips to reduce Neck Pain at home

Neck pain is common when your deskwork demands hours of sitting looking at the screen with your hunched back. Neck pain is simply due to poor sitting position for a prolonged duration. The issue arises only when the painful condition aggravates. The first and foremost thing my mother does to subside the pain is either...

Reasons to Consume Protein Powder Supplement Daily

While we talk about nutritional supplements, protein powder supplements are always on top of the chart. Why not? After all, it is a fundamental macronutrient that helps develop enzymes, and muscles restore tissues and support hormones. Consuming protein supplements on the go helps in weight loss while ensuring tone and strengthening the body or muscles....

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