
1. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Healing Pharma India Private Limited website (hereinafter referred to as “Healing Pharma”). By accessing or using this website, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions of use. These terms and conditions are subject to revision at the discretion of Healing Pharma, and your continued use of the website constitutes acceptance of any such revisions.

2. No Provision of Advice

The information presented on the Healing Pharma website is not intended to provide medical, legal, investment, financial, or any other form of advice. Under no circumstances should the content on the site be construed as a substitute for professional medical advice, consultations, or recommendations from qualified healthcare providers. Individuals are strongly advised to seek guidance from a doctor or other healthcare professional for any medical concerns.

3. Product Catalogue Disclaimer

The product catalogue featured on the Healing Pharma website serves as a quick reference for generic pharmaceuticals and their corresponding brand names. It is important to note that certain products, whether branded or generic, may no longer be available in the market due to discontinuations in product portfolios. The product catalogue may not comprehensively represent Healing Pharma’s entire product portfolio, as it is subject to changes related to product launches or discontinuations. The products displayed on the website are intended solely as a reference source and should not be utilized for prescribing or dispensing purposes.

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All images utilized on this website are either the property of Healing Pharma India Private Limited or are used with explicit consent. Unauthorized use or reproduction of these images is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

By accessing and using the Healing Pharma website, you expressly agree to abide by these terms and conditions. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms and conditions, refrain from accessing or using the website. Healing Pharma reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.


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