Unfolding the real concerns of Scalp Psoriasis

June 5, 2023by Yuvraj Patil302

Have you been experiencing an itchy scalp for a while now? Well, it could be possible due to plague, also known as scalp psoriasis. It is a chronic skin condition that requires medical attention and expert help. And if not addressed well on time, the condition can worsen with aggressive itching and red patches. 


For those who are not aware of it, psoriasis is a skin condition with unpredictable deteriorations caused by rising skin tissues and silver scales. It usually occurs in grown-up adults rather than children. Psoriasis can also occur on the forehead or back of the neck in the form of patches that spread gradually. 


What are the causes of scalp psoriasis?


As it usually takes weeks for new cells to form over the scalp, the condition of scalp psoriasis triggers by accelerating cell division, and shedding older cells taxing. This leads to the build-up of scaly patches on the scalp surface that characterizes scalp psoriasis. Having cuts, burns, infections, and scratches, can further add a flare to this condition while aggravating the symptoms. Referring to the widespread, this condition is non-infectious and could not be spread from one person to another. 


Signs and symptoms


The symptoms you should be looking for in scalp psoriasis are bumpy and scaly patches that appear more like dandruff. The scalp tends to itch persistently and soon it starts dropping flakes. It looks more like a skin infection on the scalp surface which could also trigger hair fall. Using any harsh chemical based hair care product can aggravate the condition while worsening the woes.


Differential diagnoses


Seborrheic dermatitis: It is commonly confused with dandruff. They usually appear to be small and greasy flakes that are often accompanied by skin discoloration. 


Ringworm: The occurrence of ringworm on the scalp is also called tinea capitis. It can also lead to scaling and postulation. 

Sebopsoriasis: This condition can seem to be both psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis which can occur anywhere on the scalp and face. It usually appears as red (or yellow) greasy scales.


Prevention and cure  


Scalp psoriasis usually occurs and flares up on moist skin and during dry and cold weather. Hence, practice good hygiene maintenance throughout the season to ensure psoriasis doesn’t settle. Avoid using highly medicated or chemical involved skincare or hair care products as it may trigger the infection. Try applying aloe vera gel on the affected area to keep them hydrated. Ensure to visit the dermatologist for treatment and follow up to ensure preventing the disease from becoming unbearable in the future.

Yuvraj Patil

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