Vitamin E for Skin: Here’s Why You Must Invest

November 16, 2022by Dr. Robin De'souza267

Have you wondered why most skin care experts vouch for using Vitamin E for skin? The reason behind this is that it is power-packed with many fat-soluble nutrients and antioxidants. They act as the best duo to combat the existence of free radicals, the primary reason behind skin blemishes. It further reverses the signs of ageing such as wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Vitamin E, also known as Tocopherol, is responsible for offering anti-ageing and antioxidant properties.

The beauty industry experts swear on the power of Vitamin E hence, it is quite a popular component in creams, lotions, and gels for the skin. Talking about the food, Vitamin E is highly found in mangoes and potatoes which helps in repairing damaged skin cells. You can also buy readily filled Vitamin E capsules that can be infused with your regular skin care product to reap its benefits. Read this blog to know the potential benefits of Vitamin E for the skin.


Vitamin E For Age-defying Properties

Vitamin E shows potential antioxidant properties that help combat several drawbacks of free radicals on the skin, such as early aging, age spots, and dull spots. It is known for protecting the skin cells that produce collagen while offering skin lightening and whitening effects. It also can reverse the effects of UV damage on the skin with regular use.

Vitamin E to Fight Breakouts & Fine lines 

Breakouts are common, no matter how many times you cleanse your face in a day. Eating high in Vitamin E fruits such as kiwi, mangoes, and blackberries can help with your skincare woes up to some extent. The topical application of Vitamin E shows excellent results in treating fine lines and wrinkles.

Vitamin E Heals Acne & Stretch Mark Scars 

Tired and dehydrated skin will thank you if you treat it with Vitamin E. It profusely hydrates your dull skin and restores damaged skin cells. It shows potential effects in reducing stretch marks, scarring, and acne-related spots.

Vitamin E decreases hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is nothing, but the presence of discolored or dark patches on the skin, caused by inefficient melanin synthesis. Retinoids in Vitamin E show a proven impact on the skin while enhancing skin tone and reducing hyperpigmentation.

Flaunt your glowing and healthy hair and skin by simply incorporating one capsule of Healing Pharma’s Evizone 400 Vitamin E soft gel capsules. Explore our wide range of skincare and hair care supplements to complete your fabulous skin and hair care routine.

**Any supplements, capsules or soft gels are meant to be taken under expert supervision only. Those who are pregnant or lactating mothers should avoid taking these tablets. 

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