How to Take Care of Hair Problems for Men and Women?

May 27, 2022by Pooja K392

Stress, post-pregnancy hormonal changes, side-effects of medications, too much intake of junk food, canned foods, no intake of juices, too much intake of caffeine induced drinks, too much of aerated drinks, chemical bleaching of hair etc. the list are so synonymous to our lives right now which people of the 21st century generation know and experience and also prefer due to their hectic work-life routine.

There are many underlying conditions too related to certain health concerns that trigger hair loss. Now, if we sit down to think what may be reason, it may be very difficult for us to undermine the issue, but if you think how your present lifestyle it, then some alterations for both men and women may reduce the impact of extreme hair loss.

Things to try and avoid when it comes to hair health:

  • Be it men or women, all prefer a life that is stylish and chic respectively for both men and women. So, why not begin with avoiding too many styling products on your hair or hairstyles that pull out your hair.
  • Use a shampoo that is paraben free and chemical free or has very less chemicals. It can save your hair from falling
  • Don’t unnecessarily chemically treat or bleach hair.
  • Use soft hair brush that is made of natural fibers. Gently brush your hair every day and do not leave your hair uncrushed even for a day, because that can cause the hair to cause a clump.
  • Take healthy vitamins orally in form of tablets and juices too this will encourage good health and at the same time.
  • Go for timely scalp massage. This will promote hair growth. A good hair massage will allow easy blood circulation.
  • Do not diet. The diet you follow can effect hair loss. Too much of greasy, oily or fried food will only add fats to your body and give no or less nutrition to your hair too. Even too much of sugar intake can trigger to hair loss.
  • Quit smoking as it can cause the hair cells and hair follicle to break and get damaged, thus causing extreme hair loss in the long run.
  • Eat foods that are rich in anti-oxidants. Strawberries, blueberries, beans, green leafy vegetables, spinach, kale consist of antioxidants that can only encourage healthy hair.

Hair loss is the most common in men then in women. According to a study 85 % of men have hair thinning issues by the time they reach the age of 50. Genetic hair loss, patterned hair loss, androgenetic alopecia, ageing or low testosterone levels.

Every hair stand has a lifecycle between 2-5 years. Hair follicle too undergo the change from being active growth to transition and rest. There are many processes in between that may also cause early resting of hair which means hair loss, bald patches, large clumps of hair fall, dry and dull hair, damaged hair, brittle hair etc.

In many cases health issues like alopecia or chemotherapy treatment and medications can also trigger hair loss completely. Well, if you think that your hair is unwell and that it needs special care, it is a must to pay a visit to a dermatologist who will check the health concern of your hair and suggest the right medication or treatment that can solve your issues with hair and hair fall or baldness etc. easily. So, just keep up with your patience and take medications and follow the treatment well for a healthy hair.

There are many over the counter medications available. But there are a few genuine ones like the medications or hair care products from Healing Pharma that are prescribed by the doctors. Dandrofine shampoo, Evizone tablet, Follikesh – Complete Hair Care Product Range (Follikesh Onion shampoo, Follikehs Onion Oil, Follikesh Hair Growth Serum & Follikesh Tablet) and Healpecia tablets etc. are some of the most demanded medications prescribed by doctors treating hair related concerns for both men and women.

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