Effective Ways to Combat Pregnancy Back Pain

September 12, 2024by Pooja Hp0

The duration of the entire nine- months is no less than a roller coaster for a pregnant woman. With all the excitement and enthusiasm for the newborn, there’s one more addition to the health – back pain. Imagine your lifestyle pausing due to painful backaches, which may trigger at any time or any point in time.

Understanding Pregnancy Back Pain

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Before diving into solutions, it’s important to understand why pregnancy back pain occurs. As your baby grows, the center of gravity shifts, placing additional strain on your back muscles and spine. Hormonal changes also loosen the ligaments in your pelvis, which can lead to instability and pain. Additionally, the extra weight can strain your lower back, leading to discomfort.

Well, the problem is distressing until there’s a solution to it. Speaking about the solution, there are many changes that the body goes through. With the development of a fetus, backache is a common experience. Although this does not mean you should be silently suffering from such pain. Healing Pharma has curated a list of five effective solutions for back pain to alleviate such abruptly growing pain while letting you enjoy the journey of motherhood.

Ways to Improve Back Pain: –

  1. Routine Physical Activity

One of the primary reasons for back pain is lack of movement and stiffening. The body, due to excess weight, fails to do movement while triggering back pain and other health-related issues during pregnancy and post-pregnancy. In order to prevent such pain, it is essential to practice gentle physical activities like back stretches, brisk walking, yoga, and other deep breathing exercises at home.

  1. Massage

Massages help gain ultimate relief from stress and chaos. It further helps the body to revive while offering relief from back and shoulder pain. Indulge in soft massage through your back, shoulder, and neck to find a considerable amount of relief. You can try using Ortho pain relief cream for massage to expand the efficacy of massage.

  1. Sleeping Postures

While you are pregnant, it could be difficult to have a good night’s sleep as severe back pain aggravates. To find considerable relief, refrain from sleeping on your back as much as you can, or else the pain would worsen. It is better to use additional pillows while sleeping between both your thighs for support and considerate relief from sharp back pain.

  1. Wear a Belt and Shoes

The pain has no end, especially during the last trimester. You can get good relief from backache by taking the help of additional external support. For instance, you can start using a maternity belt to soothe intense pain. As usual, the maternity belt helps in distributing excess body weight to the other parts of the body. Equally, wearing comfortable and well-cushioned footwear is essential to distribute equal weight throughout.

  1. Try Alternative Therapies

There are many available alternative ways to combat a stressed body with the help of stretches, acupuncture, aromatherapy, and homeopathy. Also, it is crucial to consult your doctor before undergoing any therapy during pregnancy and post-pregnancy.

The Role of Healing Pharma’s Orthojoint Pain Relief Ointment

For those moments when back pain becomes particularly bothersome, Healing Pharma’s Orthojoint Pain Relief Ointment can be a valuable ally. This ointment is designed to deliver quick relief from various types of pain, including the discomfort associated with pregnancy.

Why Choose Orthojoint Pain Relief Ointment?

  • Fast-Acting Formula: Provides immediate relief from pain, allowing you to get back to your daily activities with greater ease.
  • Natural Ingredients: Enriched with natural ingredients that are gentle on the skin and effective in reducing pain.
  • Ease of Use: Simply apply the ointment to the affected area and massage gently for fast relief.


Whether you’re dealing with occasional aches or persistent discomfort, incorporating Orthojoint Pain Relief Ointment into your routine can help manage pain effectively. To sum it up, pregnancy-related pain can be unpleasant and frustrating while creating hurdles in carrying out daily activities. Get help from Healing Pharma’s Ortho pain relief cream or consult your healthcare expert if the pain aggravates.

Pooja Hp

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