Dermatologist Approved Skin Care Guide

August 2, 2024by admin0

A healthy skin needs much more than just a healthy lifestyle. The skin care mantra doesn’t change for men or women, although it differs from each individual choice. Skin care becomes crucial in a day-to-day life. Those who desire to have a flawless skin do follow a mandatory skin care routine to achieve a radiant appearance.

Every individual has a different skin, and complexion much like how they dress up differently according to their age and preferences. Based on the age and gender, each individual has a different skin type too. On an average, any male skin would be 20 – 25 % thicker than female skin. Men’s skin contains high collagen and this is why they have a firmer, tighter and rough appearance.

Some of the most common skin types found in both men and women are as follows:

  • Normal skin – A well balanced skin type that is neither too dry nor oily is normal skin.
  • Dry skin – Dry skin is generally highly sensitive, dehydrated and flaky in texture.
  • Oily skin – Those with over activity of sebaceous glands, excessive sebum (oil) is produced on the skin making it oily and prone to acne.
  • Combination skin – Having a T zone oily while the other areas of the skin dry are referred as combination skin.
  • Sensitive skin – Those experiencing sensitive skin tends to have more delicate and fragile skin.
  • Scaly skin – Skin that is highly sensitive to environmental factors, for instance, heat, wind, humidity, and dryness have scaly skin.
  • Red spots – Those with rash or red spots over the skin, who require medical attention falls under this skin type.

Ways to take care of your skin


Make sure you cleanse your skin after equal intervals depending on the type of skin you have. Those with oily to combination skin should cleanse at least twice or thrice a day. Cleansers act as an agent to get rid of dust, pollutants, and oil. Head out and pick a cleanser that contains natural ingredients, gentle to your skin, and sulphate free. Those with sensitive skin shall go for a non-scented cleanser to avoid any kind of skin irritation further.


The changes in the weather can be a major contributor to your skin woes. Keeping your skin hydrated and moisturized on a regular basis diminishes the possibilities of skin problems arising in future. Those with oily skin must choose a light-weighted and oil-free moisturizer to reduce acne and other skin conditions.


Protecting is anytime better than cure. Try to keep your skin covered as much as possible before stepping out during the day time. Ensure you apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before you go outdoors as the UV rays can do enough damage to your skin within a couple of hours of exposure. Sunscreens are formulated to offer complete protection from harmful rays and can be applied by both men and women. Try Sunroof Sunscreen Protection Lotion as it is ideal for all skin types.

Clean Eating

A wholesome meal would not cost much, but it can surely help you look your best. Inculcate vitamin-rich fruits and veggies into your daily diet to get a glowing and clear skin. Ensure you do not skip drinking plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated.

Manage Stress

It could be challenging to maintain the flawless skin while you are stressed and exhausted. Learn to control your stress and get enough sleep to ensure your skin isn’t affected. The skin is sensitive and fragile enough during such stressful occasions. You can try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by exercising or practicing yoga on a regular basis to attain peaceful results.

Women can now take care of their skin care routine to the next level



XHeal charcoal Soap

Exfoliating is an excellent way to reverse the skin damage and get rid of those impurities accumulated over the skin. Exfoliating regularly shows promising results in getting a clearer skin.  Those who don’t exfoliate regularly tend to have visible clogged pores, dull complexion, and uneven skin tone. Xheal Charcoal Soap is a wonderful shield to add in your skincare routine every day while preventing acne, giving you a clearer and brighter complexion that glows from within.

Try Vitamin C

Agefine Forte

Vitamin C possesses anti-inflammatory properties that help in smoothening the skin while reducing acne and swelling. Although applying vitamin C enriched product topically over the skin helps, consuming vitamin C supplement works from within to give you a flawless glow while lightening dark spots. Try Agefine Forte supplement power-packed with Glutathione, Vitamin C and Alpha Lipoic Acid for fabulously glowing skin.

Face wash

benefits of Salicylic Acid Lotion acnetop s

Washing your face is the key to keep dust, grime and pollutants at the bay.  When not done regularly, you skin appears to be dull, and acne prone. Identify your skin type before choosing a face wash. You can try Acnetop S Face Wash to kick-start a healthy skin care routine for oily skin. This face wash is quite gentle and hydrating for your skin as it is formulated using potent Glycolic & Salicylic Acids.

Anti-aging cream

We all want a youthful looking skin and here’s when anti-aging skin care cream come to rescue. Agefine Skin Whitening Cream is carefully formulated using L Glutathione to offer a youthful appearance while fixing those fine lines, dullness and age spots.

Some of the common skin concerns are stated below:

Acne: It occurs when the skin follicles are blocked with dead skin cells, oil and bacteria causing breakouts.

Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis): Someone with dry skin may experience itching over the area leading to swelling or inflammation.

Psoriasis: Rashy, scaly and sometimes itchy skin are known as Psoriasis.

Rosacea: It is one of the common skin conditions causing small, red, pus-filled flushes and swelling over the facial skin.

Ways to combat skin concern at home 

Achieving a flawless skin from the comfort of your home is now possible with a wide range of skin care brand in India and healing products from Healing Pharma. All the skin care products are carefully formulated using natural ingredients to suit all skin types. Let’s look at these easily available natural ingredients to understand how it helps.

Aloe Vera for skin

Aloe Vera has been majorly involved as an Ayurveda medicine in the skin care industry. The entire credit goes to its anti-inflammatory and skin rejuvenating properties. Try Xheal Aloe Vera Gel at home to get a healthy and youthful looking skin. This gel immediately gets absorbed into the skin when applied and massaged for a while. For maximum results, use this gel daily.  

Charcoal for skin

Restore your dull skin with the goodness of activated charcoal from the comfort of your home. Charcoal has potential to remove impurities from the clogged pores while reviving your skin to breathe. Activated charcoal infused Xheal Charcoal Face Wash can be your best skin care product buy as it extracts oil and impurities while leaving your skin soft and supple throughout the day.

Glycolic Acid for Hyperpigmentation

Glycolic acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid (AHA), is highly effective in treating hyperpigmentation by exfoliating the skin’s surface and promoting cell turnover. This helps to fade dark spots and uneven skin tone, revealing a more radiant complexion. Regular use can significantly improve skin clarity and texture. Healing Pharma’s Derbeau Cream is the best skin cream to transform your dull skin.

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